Why Do My Earrings Smell – Possible Causes and Solutions

Why Do My Earrings Smell

Why Do My Earrings Smell

In this article we will explore the answer of a question we hear more than often. Why do my earrings smell? You’re going to know the exact reasons leading on to having practical solutions to keep your earrings fresh and smell free. Whether you’re dealing with an occasional smell or a persistent issue, understanding the underlying causes can help you find the most effective solutions.

Common Causes of Smelly Earrings

There are several factors that can contribute to the unpleasant smell that sometimes comes from earrings. Let’s explore the most common causes:

1. Accumulation of Dead Skin Cells and Sebum

One of the primary reasons earrings might smell is the build-up of dead skin cells and sebum. Sebum is an oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands in the skin. When earrings are worn for extended periods, the dead skin cells and sebum accumulate around the piercing and on the earrings themselves. This mixture can develop a noticeable smell over time, especially if not cleaned regularly.

2. Bacteria Build-up

Bacteria naturally live on our skin, and when they mix with sweat, sebum, and dead skin cells, they can multiply rapidly. The area around a piercing can provide a warm and moist environment, perfect for bacterial growth. The bacteria feed on the dead skin cells and oils, producing an unpleasant smell as a byproduct. If your earrings or the piercing site itself aren’t cleaned regularly, this can lead to a noticeable smell.

Why Do My Earrings Smell

3. Reaction to Metal Types 

Certain metals, particularly copper, nickel and cheaper alloys aren’t hypoallergenic, and can react with skin oils and sweat, leading to oxidation or tarnishing. This chemical reaction can create a metallic or musty smell. Metals like nickel, which is commonly found in inexpensive earrings, are known to cause such reactions and may even lead to skin irritation or allergic reactions, compounding the problem.

4. Poor Hygiene Practices

Failing to regularly clean your earrings or the skin around your piercings can lead to a build-up of grime, oils, and bacteria, all of which contribute to an unpleasant smell. If you frequently wear the same pair of earrings without cleaning them, or if you neglect to wash the area around your piercings during daily hygiene routines, you’re more likely to notice a bad smell.

5. Infection

An infection at the piercing site can cause a noticeable smell. Infections can result from improper piercing techniques, using non-sterile equipment, or not following proper aftercare instructions. Signs of infection include redness, swelling, pain, discharge, and a foul smell. In such cases, it is crucial to seek medical advice to prevent the infection from worsening.

6. Sweat and Environmental Factors

Wearing earrings during physical activities can lead to sweat accumulating around the piercing site. Sweat can mix with sebum and other debris, contributing to the smell. Additionally, environmental factors like pollution and dust can cling to earrings, especially if they are not cleaned regularly.

Types of Earrings and Their Susceptibility to Smell

Not all earrings are created equal when it comes to smell. Different types of earrings can have varying levels of susceptibility to smelling due to their design, material, and how they interact with the skin:

Stud Earring

These are often worn daily and can accumulate sweat and sebum around the backing, especially if not removed frequently for cleaning. The backing, which sits close to the earlobe, can trap moisture and debris, leading to a smell.

Why Do My Earrings Smell

Hoop Earring

While less likely to cause smell than studs due to their more open design, hoops can still collect oils and dead skin cells, particularly if they are large and come into contact with the neck or hair.

Dangling Earring

These earring tend to move more and are less likely to sit close to the skin for extended periods, but they can still accumulate debris, especially if worn frequently or if they have intricate designs that trap oils and dead skin.

Ear Gauges and Plugs

These are particularly susceptible to smell due to their size and the fact that they stretch the earlobe. The larger surface area in contact with the skin can lead to more sebum and dead skin accumulation, which can cause a noticeable smell if not cleaned regularly.

How to Prevent Earring from Smelling

Earrings are a beloved accessory many people wear to show their individual style, cultural identity, or to simply add a touch of elegance to their outfits. A common and often perplexing issue that many earring wearers face is an unpleasant smell emanating from their earrings or pierced ears. This smell can be both embarrassing and concerning, leaving many wondering about its cause and how to get rid of it.

Maintaining proper hygiene and taking care of your earrings can significantly reduce the risk of unpleasant smell. Here are some practical steps to prevent your earrings from smelling:

1. Regular Cleaning Routine

Cleaning your earring and piercings regularly is crucial. You should remove your earrings at least once a week and clean them thoroughly with warm water and a mild, unscented soap. For more thorough cleaning, consider using a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently scrub any crevices where dirt and oils might accumulate. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry with a clean towel before reinserting.

2. Choosing the Right Material

Opt for hypoallergenic metals like surgical steel, titanium, or 14k gold. These materials are less likely to react with skin oils and sweat, reducing the chances of both allergic reactions and unpleasant smells. Avoid cheap metals or alloys that are prone to tarnishing or causing irritation.

3. Proper Storage Techniques

When you’re not wearing your earrings, store them in a clean, dry place. Use a jewelry box with compartments to keep them separate from each other, and consider storing them in a small, airtight plastic bag to prevent exposure to dust and moisture.

4. Hygiene Tip

Keep the area around your piercings clean and dry. After bathing, swimming, or exercising, make sure to dry the area around your piercings thoroughly. Avoid applying lotions, oils, or perfumes directly to the piercing area as these can trap bacteria and oils, leading to a smell.

How to Clean Smelly Earrings

Cleaning smelly earrings can be a hectic task for some people. But all you need for this is a mild jewelry soap, a toothbrush and some warm water.

Procedure for Cleaning Smelly Earrings

1. Take some warm water and dip in your earrings in to it.

2. Add some mild gentle soap to make required foam. You can get specifically designed soaps from any jewelry store.

3. Put your jewelry in there for 5 minutes. After this, take out the jewelry and start rubbing extra debris with gentle strokes of toothbrush. Note that this toothbrush should be new or specifically used for this purpose only.

4. Once this is done, rinse it with water.

Tips for People with Sensitive Skin

If you’re one of those having sensitive skin, following the below given tips will definitely help you.

1. Choose Hypoallergenic Metals

Hypoallergenic metals are those metals which do not react with skin. This can prevent green skin and allergic incidents. Metals like platinum, rhodium and yellow gold are totally hypoallergenic metals to wear.

2. Avoid certain Alloys

Alloys containing copper or nickel such as brass, bronze and 925 silver might have a bad effect on sensitive skins. Avoid these metals at all costs. If budget is a problem, go for gold or rhodium plated jewelries.

3. Consult a Dermatologist

Some people might have extra sensitive skins due to some unknown reasons. If you think you are one of those, consult a dermatologist for proper treatment before choosing a certain metal for jewelry.

Common Questions About Smelly Earrings

Here is a collection of some of the most frequently asked questions about smelly earrings.

1. Can smelly earring cause infections?

Yes, if the smell is due to bacterial build-up or poor hygiene, it can potentially lead to an infection if left untreated.

2. Are people with sensitive skin more susceptible to smelly earrings?

Yes, sensitive skins react quicker with reactive metals like copper and nickel. This can lead to have smelly earrings more than often.

2. How often should I clean my earring?

For earrings worn daily, it is recommended to clean them at least once a week. For special occasion earrings, clean them before and after each use.

3. Are certain earring materials more prone to smell?

Yes, earrings made from porous materials or cheap metals are more likely to accumulate oils and bacteria, leading to a smell.


Understanding why your earrings might smell and taking steps to prevent and address the issue can help you maintain good hygiene and enjoy wearing your favorite jewelry without worry. Regular cleaning of your earrings, choosing the right materials, and proper storage are key to preventing smell. If the smell persists, don’t hesitate to seek professional advice to ensure your piercings and earrings remain in top condition.