How To Keep Silver from Tarnishing – Tips From Experts


How To Keep Silver from Tarnishing –

Silver is one of the commonly used metals in jewelry making due to its affordability and lustrous appearance. Silver can be worn in almost every public event and gathering to enhance your overall presence. But as a silver jewelry owner, you must also be aware of how to keep silver from tarnishing. This is one of the biggest con termed to silver jewelry.

In this article we will explore why silver tarnishes and how to keep silver from tarnishing. This will include exact tips recommended by jewelry experts and their recommendations to increase the shelf life of the jewelry.

Why Silver Tarnishes

Silver is one of those metals which can’t be used for jewelry making in their pure form due to malleable and bendable nature. Copper or nickel are two metals which are added to pure silver to make silver alloys with optimum strength and brighter appearance. This results in alloys like 925 sterling silver, 950 silver and argentium silver.

Due to the addition of copper, silver’s risk of tarnishing increase. Tarnishing is a chemical process in which copper metal present in silver alloy reacts with moisture from air to for green copper compounds. These compounds then stick to the surface of the jewelry resulting in blackish duller appearance.

Tarnishing can be removed with the help of some tarnishing removal chemicals but it can be a regular problem if you don’t keep your silver from tarnishing. It is better to apply those methods to keep tarnishing away from your silver.

Tips to Keep Silver From Tarnishing

Tarnishing of silver is nothing new. Silver has this property and you have to look for it. Silver can be kept away from tarnishing by applying following techniques.

1. Proper Storage

Storage is one of the key aspect of keeping silver away from tarnishing. As a silver jewelry owner, you have to spend money on proper jewelry boxes with separate compartments so it does not come in contact with external factors like dirt, moisture and air.

How To Keep Silver from Tarnishing

For this purpose, specifically designed air tight storage boxes are used. These boxes are made from plastic and provide longevity with proper care. Apart from this, you can also use silica gel and anti tarnishing strips to absorb any extra moisture which enters in storage box. This will save your silver jewelry from tarnishing at all costs.

Once this storage box gets damaged, quickly replace it with a new one so moisture does not get into the storage box.

2. Avoid Wooden Boxes

Wood has a property of absorbing moisture from air and transfer it inside the jewelry box. This can lead to immediate tarnishing of the silver jewelry. Apart from this, wooden storage boxes specifically made of cedar also release chemicals which can speed up tarnishing.

That’s why it is very important to avoid any wooden storage boxes at all costs. If you are not comfortable with plastic boxes, just use any hard material boxes from which moisture can not go through.

3. Clean Your Jewelry Regularly

Cleaning your jewelry is must to do thing if you have silver jewelry. Some people might not like this aspect of silver. For cleaning purposes, simply use a mild soap with warm water and a tooth brush. You can also use a commercial silver cleaner. These cleaners can produce better results than home chemicals as they are designed to remove tarnishing. There are certain tips you should be using for good cleaning.

  1. Use a soft cloth for removing of dirt.
  2. Use only a specific toothbrush for scratching of jewelry.
  3. Dont apply chemicals like bleach, washing powder etc. for cleaning.

4. Polish Silver Regularly

If your jewelry is made of 925 sterling silver, it can be damaged by scratches and scuffs easily. That’s why polishing your silver jewelry regularly is a must. This can also remove any developing tarnish as well. It will cost you some extra money but will keep your jewelry in a condition like new.

How To Keep Silver from Tarnishing

Polishing can be done by visiting any jeweler of your choice dealing with silver jewelry. Or you can also do it by yourself by using any commercial silver polish product. It can be easily available at any store for as minimum as $10. This will keep your silver jewelry just like new one with brighter and lustrous appearance.

5. Avoid Contact with Water

Water is the key element which accelerates tarnishing process. It can come in contact with your jewelry in certain ways. It can be either in the from of water while washing, showering or cleaning. What can you do for it then? Just remove your jewelry when you think it can come in contact with water. For example, you have a silver ring and you are going to wash your hands. Or you are going to shower with your silver earrings. Just remove these jewelries before starting.

It can be in the form of moisture present in the air. This aspect can be taken when you are travelling to high humidity areas such as coastal areas.

It is better to avoid wearing copper or silver based jewelry in high humidity areas and go for gold or rhodium plated jewelry.

6. Use Protective Coatings

There are certain chemicals available in the market which are used for protective coatings for your silver jewelry. These chemicals basically act as a boundary in between moisture from air and jewelry. So if you are going to get out on a rainy day, just use these protective coatings to save your jewelry from water. You can easily find one of these from any jewelry store.

7. Wear Your Silver Jewelry Regularly

Believe it or not, you can easily avoid tarnishing when you wear your silver jewelry regularly. The main idea behind it is that when you wear your jewelry regularly, it comes in contact with your body and any developing tarnishing is removed. If tarnishing is not allowed to develop, it can be easily avoided.

How To Keep Silver from Tarnishing

Note that wearing your jewelry regularly will also come with its cons. For example, it will need more active regular cleaning than normal or might also lead to damages like scratches etc.

8. Keep It Away from Cosmetics

Cosmetics contain chemicals which can not only cause tarnishing but also accelerate the process. These chemicals are the one which can greatly impact the overall appearance of your jewelry. You need to avoid such cosmetics and if it is necessary to use them, just wear your jewelry 5 to 10 minutes after. For example, you are going somewhere and want to wear your silver jewelry with your cosmetics.

It is better to wear the jewelry after 5 to 10 minutes of using of cosmetics. This will protect your silver jewelry from tarnishing and also protect it from any other chemical damages.

9. Visit Your Jewelry Regularly

It is normal to have damages like scratches, dents etc. when you are wearing silver jewelry. In this situation, it can lead to lose of stones or change in shape of the jewelry. Sometimes you as an owner might not be able to notice such changes which can ultimately lead to bigger damages. That’s why it is better to visit your jeweler regularly so any damages can be noticed and repaired on time.

Certain jewelers provide cheaper after buying service to their customers and some might provide all of this at no additional cost. It is better to check with your jeweler’s after buying policy.


Silver is one of the best material used for jewelry making in the industry. It can come with cheaper price and versatility in designs at the same time. If you are thinking of buying silver jewelry or already own it, it is better to keep it away from tarnishing. There are certain ways which will help you in avoiding tarnishing and increase the shelf life of your jewelry.

Ways like proper storage, avoiding contact with water, using proper cleaning techniques can greatly help in avoiding. Apart form this, you can also apply protective coatings and keep it away from any cosmetics.