How To Make Silver Oxidised or Patina | What is Oxidised Silver

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How To Make Silver Oxidised or Patina?

Patina forming is the forming of brown or green layer over silver due to some chemical reactions. This gives an overall rusty look which might not be liked by many people. However, some people might it interesting and a cool way to showing off some unique designs.

In this article we’ll discuss what is oxidised silver how to make silver oxidised or patina.

What is Oxidised or Patina Silver?

Oxidised silver is a silver piece which has turned black as a result of application of some chemicals. This can be natural as well as artificial. For example, silver turns black as a result of tarnishing when it reacts with sulfur compounds from atmosphere. This process is all natural.

On the other way, you can also create this effect artificially. This requires some chemicals which will react with top layer of silver and form black compounds on its surface giving it a overall black look.

how to oxidise silver

What type of Sterling Silver Should You Use for Patina

Tarnishing is not a property of pure silver. Silver can only be tarnished when it is mixed with copper. This is the only reason why we use sterling silver for forming patina. Different forms of sterling silver can be tarnished such as:

Among these three, 925 silver has the highest percentage of copper (7.5%) in it. So, it will form a quicker and easier metal to target patina formation. Apart from these, 935 will be a bit slower in tarnishing and 960 sterling silver will be the most difficult to target.

How to Make Oxidized Silver by Forming a Patina

Patina is all about random and unique patterns all over your silver jewelry. These patterns are a great way of having an unmatched fashion sense. They can be attractive and vibrant at the same time.

So, here are the five ways you can use to patina silver.

1. Black Salt Method

This method uses volcanic origin black salt which can be easily found in every grocery store. We all know volcanos contain big amounts of sulfur compounds. So, any salt extracted from volcanic grounds will contain sulfur compounds. These sulfur compounds react with silver to make it tarnish. In this way patina appears.


1. Take 2 tablespoons of black salt and mix it with half a cup of hot water.

patina silver

2. Stir it and make sure all the salt is dissolved into the water.

3. Put your silver jewelry in it for 5 to 10 minutes with constant stirring.

4. After sometime you can see patina forming on your silver jewelry.

How to oxidise Silver

2. Boiled Egg Method

Boiled egg is another convenient way of patina your silver. As many of might not know that egg yolk contains sulfur gas which can quickly turn silver black.


1. Boil 2 eggs and peel them off carefully. Try not to cook eggs for too long in order to avoid yolk turning green.

2. Put both eggs in a small air tight plastic bag. Make sure there are no holes in it from sulfur gas can escape.

3. Start mashing eggs with fingers without opening the plastic bag.

4. Once both eggs are mashed well, put your silver jewelry in it for 30 to 45 minutes.

How to oxidise Silver

5. Once done you will have your tarnished black silver jewelry.

3. Bleach Method

This method uses disinfecting bleach to create patina on silver jewelry. Beach contains chlorine which is highly reactive towards silver and gives it a blackish color. Precautionary measures must be taken for this experiment as bleach contains harmful chemicals.


1. Pour some bleach into a bowl until if fills third of the full.

2. Drop in your silver jewelry in it. Use a bigger bowl for bigger jewelries like necklace or anklets.

3. Remain it there for 15 minutes. If satisfactory results do not come after 15 minutes, take it to 30 minutes.

How to oxidise Silver

4. After the retention time you will have your tarnished jewelry. Clean it off and start using.

How to oxidise Silver

4. Liver of Sulfur Gel Method

Liver of sulfur is a toxic chemical specifically used to create patina over different metal surfaces such as sterling silver, copper, brass and bronze. It contains potassium sulfide compounds which are highly reactant towards any bare metal surface. In this method we’re using gel version of the liver of sulfur to avoid any splashing. You can easily find it online on amazon or a chemical store for as low as $10.


1. Take half a cup of hot water and drop 2 to 3 drops of liver of sulfur gel in it.

2. Stir it until it becomes uniform.

3. Now take a small piece of iron wire and hang the desired ring in a way shown in the picture.

How to oxidise Silver

4. Dip it in there for about 15 to 20 seconds and you’ll have a tarnished sterling silver ring. The more you leave it in there, stronger will be the effect of tarnishing with darker black color.

How to oxidise Silver

5. Midas Black Max Oxidizer Method

Midas Black Max is an antique jewelry oxidizer which comes in different forms. As it is a strong reactive chemical, use gloves before using it.


1. Take a cotton swab and dip it in the oxidizer bottle.

2. Start rubbing it on the jewelry surface. You will observe that wherever you rub the swab, it immediately turns black.

How to oxidise Silver

3. Continue rubbing until all the outer and inner surfaces of the jewelry are rubbed. Clean it with a cloth.

How to oxidise Silver

A Comparison of All Metals

All of the patina or oxidisation methods described above work in their own way with some limitations. For example, the black salt and egg method are going to give your just average results with less uniformity over the jewelry surface. So, it can be good if you’re doing some school project.

If you want better results with uniformity, go for the other 3 methods. These chemicals are going to cost you some $ but the results are totally worth it. When we do a side by side comparison, bleach is the one which brings the most darkest hue followed by liver of sulfur and black max respectively.


Patinating your silver is a great way of getting some unique and worth watching patterns on your sterling silver jewelry. The main theme is to do a reaction of silver with sulfur compounds which will turn it into black. In order to get better results, chemicals are the best choice among all the methods described specifically bleach. Whenever you’re using chemicals, follow the necessary precautionary measurement.