What is 950 Silver? Understanding Its Purity and Value


What is 950 Silver

950 silver is a type of silver alloy containing 95% silver and 5% nickel by weight. It’s common used is in silver jewelry making. Though it’s a lesser known alloy than other silver alloys i.e. sterling silver or argentium silver, it is still being used in some parts of the world.

Other names for this type of silver are “950 sterling silver“, “95.0” or only “950“.

In this article you’ll know about what is 950 silver, how it is different from other types of silvers, is it same as Mexican silver and how to keep it from tarnishing.

925 Silver vs 950 Silver vs Fine Silver

These are the most common terms you’ll hear in silver jewelry making. Though all of these types contain silver but are different as per their composition.

Fine Silver

Fine silver is 99.9% pure silver with a soft and malleable nature. Due to this soft and malleable properties, it cannot be used in silver jewelry as it involves processes like soldering, bending and stones handling. Most common use of this type is in silver coins, bullions and industrial processes. Common hallmarks to identify fine silver are “999 silver“, “99.9 silver“.

950 Silver

950 silver is a silver alloy composed of 95% silver and 5% nickel. Addition of nickel makes the alloy more durable than fine silver so it can be used in jewelry making. Different silver jewelry items like necklaces, rings and anklets can be made out of it without any big problem. Since nickel is a cheaper metal, you can expect paying somewhat less for a 950 silver item than pure silver.

925 Silver

925 sterling silver is another variant of silver alloys equally good for silver jewelry making as 950 silver. It contains 92.5% silver by weight and 7.5% of copper. It is a more common alloy of silver used in jewelry making due to tougher and durable nature of all the silver alloys. This is mainly due to addition of more copper content (7.5%) compared to 5% of nickel in 950 silver.

What is 950 Silver

Properties of 950 Silver vs 925 Silver

1. High purity

950 silver comes with higher percentage of silver by weight. This makes it a more purer alloy of silver.

2. Better Appearance

950 silver has a whiter and lustrous appearance compared to 925 silver. This enhances the overall looks and appearance of the jewelry.

3. Prone to Scratches

950 silver jewelry is more prone to damages like scratches and dents. More silver content than 925 sterling silver makes it a less ideal choice if you can’t save your jewelry from falling.

4. Tarnishing Resistant

950 silver is a tarnishing resistant alloy of silver. This will lead to less care and maintenance required.

5. Hypoallergenic

950 silver can be hypoallergenic due to presence of nickel content. It can lead to red and itchy skin on wearing. That’s why people with sensitive skin generally avoid such metals.

Is 950 Silver Same as Mexican Silver?

No, 950 silver is not the same as Mexican silver. Mexican silver is a common term used for silver items made in Mexico. Jewelry makers often use different silver grades such as 925, 950 or 940 for this and every jewelry piece is called Mexican silver.

950 silver can be termed as a type of Mexican silver but as a whole, Mexican silver can be of various types and grades depending on the maker.

How to Check Authenticity of 950 silver

Luckily, there are many easy ways to check the authenticity of 950 silver. In fact by using same methods, you can check authenticity of other variants of silver as well. Here are some easy methods to do at home:

1. Check for Hallmarks

Hallmarks are engraving made by jeweler for judging the authenticity of a jewelry item. Different jewelry items have different places for engraving. For example, rings and bands have hallmarks on the inner side of the ring while necklaces have near to the clasp.

For checking a specific silver piece, just look for hallmarks saying “950“, “95.0” or “ster” similar to the picture below.

How To Check 950 Silver

2. Magnet Test

Magnet test is another easy way to check genuine silver. Silver does not show any kind of attraction towards magnets. For test, bring a strong magnet near to the jewelry item and check for any signs of attractions. If magnet attracts the jewelry, then it is probably not silver or contains very less quantity of silver. And if doesn’t, it is silver. As simple as that.

3. Ice Cube Test

Ice cube test is used to test the head conductivity of silver. For this test just take two cubes of ice and place one on the silver jewelry to be tested and other one on its own. Make sure that both ice cubes are at the same temperature. For this purpose you can place both cubes on a paper towel.

As silver is a conductor of heat, it will conduct the heat resulting in slower rate of melting of ice cube. On the other hand, the ice cube on its own will melt faster.

If your silver does not show this property, then it is not silver.

Common Scams to Avoid

Whenever you got on to purchase silver jewelry, be aware to avoid common scams and getting authentic items.

1. False Hallmarks and Stamps

By using false hallmarks and stamps, some sellers might want to sell you silver plated or low purity silver jewelry. Common ways to avoid such scams is by familiarizing yourself with legitimate hallmarks and stamps.

Another way to avoid this scam is by buying jewelry from reputable brands who care for their name. Or just get your jewelry appraised by a professional jeweler for checking its authenticity.

What is 950 Silver

2. Misleading Descriptions

Some online as well as offline sellers might use misleading or confusing descriptions of jewelry items. For example, they might not mention the purity level of silver or sell below standard items.

Always check for the hallmarks like “950” and ask the purity level of the silver. You can also request a certificate of authenticity from the jeweler for proving what they’re claiming is correct.

3. Online Frauds

Online frauds are another way of scamming people for jewelry selling. Only purchase your silver jewelry from brands with positive feedback. Also check for the terms of refund policy as well.

Care and Maintenance for 950 Silver

Similar to all types of silver, 950 silver also requires care and maintenance to be done. You can follow the below given maintenance tips for better life of your silver jewelry.

1. Use Mild Soap for Cleaning Purposes

At some point, you will need to clean your metal jewelry. Experts only recommend certified jewelry cleaners or mild soap for this purpose.

For cleaning your silver jewelry, take a bowl of warm water with some mild soap in it. Now dip jewelry in it for about 2 to 3 minutes and start rubbing it with a tooth brush. Clean it with a soft cloth.

2. Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Harsh chemicals like detergents and bleach can adversely impact the overall look and life of your silver jewelry. These chemicals contain strong oxidizing agents such as chlorine which can bring tarnishing effect way faster than you think.

Never ever try to clean your jewelry with such chemicals. And remove your jewelry prior to dealing with such chemicals.

3. Avoid Contact with Water

Water is the biggest cause of tarnishing in silver jewelry. It fastens the process of tarnishing where your jewelry will appear blackish and duller in shine with time.

Always remove your jewelry before doing tasks involving water contacts such as hands washing, dishwashing and swimming etc.

What is 950 Silver

4. Store it in a dry and cool storage

Storing your 950 silver jewelry is another vital area of jewelry owning. Always store jewelry in specially designed storage boxes with compartments. These separate compartments save jewelry against damages. You can also use anti-tarnishing bags or silica gel for absorbing any extra moisture in air.

5. Minimize Contact with Cosmetics

Cosmetics like lotion, skin creams and perfumes can also badly impact your jewelry. These chemicals can react with silver on your skin and turn your finger green. Always use these cosmetics 5 minutes before wearing jewelry.

6. Visit your Jeweler regularly

Visiting your jeweler regularly will surely help you in knowing the condition of your jewelry. For example, if your jewelry gets damaged or scuffed, your jewelry can identify it on time and do repairing well before it becomes a big problem.


950 silver is a type o silver alloys used in silver jewelry making. Yes, there are distinctive differences among 925 silver, 950 silver and fine silver but the testing methods for their authenticity are same. Common testing methods include checking hallmarks, doing magnet and ice cube test. Silver jewelry also requires care and maintenance where cleaning and saving it from tarnishing are the most important ones.