What is Argentium Silver – Is It Better than Sterling Silver


What is Argentium Silver

Argentium sterling silver or simply argentium silver is a newer kind of silver alloy used in silver jewelry making. It offers several benefits over traditional 925 sterling silver and 935 sterling silver.

Biggest benefits include non-tarnishing and lustrous shinier appearance. In this article we’ll discuss what is argentium sterling silver, its composition, types, benefits and how is it better than traditional sterling silver.

Composition of Argentium Silver

Pure silver or 99.9% silver is a metal known for its softness, non-durability and malleable nature. Such properties make almost impossible to convert pure silver into jewelry such as necklace, bracelets, rings or anklets.

For this purpose, we need to mix pure silver with some other metal to increase its hardness and durability. Common metals used are copper and nickel.

In case of argentium silver, three elements are used to form an alloy i.e. silver, copper or nickel and germanium. A perfect combination of these three elements provides an alloy with even better overall appearance and durability than all the other types of sterling silver.

Why Argentium Silver was created

Though 925 sterling silver provides a lustrous appearance but it often runs into a big problem called tarnishing. It’s a chemical reaction in which sterling silver reacts with atmospheric sulfur to form unwanted compounds giving a blackish look to it. This property of sterling silver was the biggest hurdle in its mass adoption in jewelry making.

Recently scientists have tried different combinations of metals with silver to overcome this problem. Luckily, they made a mixture of different elements in such a way that it has excellent tarnishing resistant properties which do not allow final product to tarnishing. This product is now known as aregntium silver.

Types of Argentium Silver

Commercially speaking, argentium sterling silver is being made in three different compositions. These compositions are:

  • 935 Argentium Silver
  • 940 Argentium Silver
  • 960 Argentium Silver

935 Argentium Silver

935 argentium silver is the most readily available forms of argentium silver for its shiny appearance and hardness. You’ll notice that most of the argentium silver jewelry will have hallmarks of “935” or “93.5” indicating 935 argentium silver’s composition. Its composition is 93.5% silver and 6.5% copper and germanium.

940 Argentium Silver

940 argentium silver has the similar properties to 935 argentium silver but with a different composition. It contains 94% silver and 6% copper and germanium. This higher silver content makes it a bit more softer than 935.

960 Argentium Silver

960 argentium silver is the least common type of argentium silver with a composition of 96% silver and 4% copper and germanium. It is the shiniest and softest among all the types of argentium silver. Due to this soft nature, jewelry makers often find difficulty in dealing with it.

How to Identify Argentium Silver

Argentium silver can easily be identified via certain hallmarks. Silver jewelries made in composition of argentium silver contain one of the following hallmarks.

  • 935
  • AG 935
  • 93.5
  • 940
  • AG 940
  • AG 960

Apart from this a “flying unicorn” symbol as seen in the picture below also confirms the composition of argentium silver.

What is Argentium Silver

Here is an example of argentium silver hallmark where “935” is embedded with a flying unicorn symbol next to it.

What is Argentium Silver

Argentium Silver vs Sterling Silver

Here is a detailed comparison of argentium silver and sterling silver to help you in making informed decisions.


Sterling silver is one of the oldest alloys of silver being used in jewelry making for centuries. Its composition is 92.5% silver and 7.5% copper or nickel.

Argentium silver is a newer type of silver alloys containing 93.5% silver and 6.5% copper and germanium.


Sterling silver has a dull and off white appearance when placed next to argentium silver. It is mainly due to presence of less silver content.

Argentium silver has a whiter appearance which makes it more shinier and vibrant to viewers. In fact, tests have shown that argentium silver is the most white metal among rhodium, platinum and palldium. This property makes it one of the foremost choices of metals in a lower budget range.

What is Argentium Silver


Argentium silver is a much more durable metal than other silver alloys. Main reason for it is it’s non-tarnishing characteristics. As it can’t be tarnished, its total weight remains intact. The only thing you have to worry about it not getting your jewelry scratched or scuffed.

On the other hand, silver alloys like 925 sterling silver are much more prone to tarnishing. Copper content can easily react with sulfur compounds bringing blackish color to the overall metal. This greatly affects durability. Every time sterling silver jewelry gets tarnished, copper content is decreased by a minor percentage which will ultimately make a huge impact.

Maintenance Level

Taking proper care and pro-active measures for your jewelry can be a big issue for some people. Sterling silver is one of those metals which require regular maintenance and care for longer life of the jewelry. You can expect to do cleaning and applying tarnish removal chemicals at least once every month.

Argentium silver requires very little to no care. As it is tarnishing resistant metal, no chemical cleaning is required whatsoever. The only thing required for the maintenance of argentium silver is the regular cleaning and saving it from damages.


Argentium silver is a costly metal compared to all forms of sterling silver say it 925 or 950. You can expect buying an argentium silver ring for about $100 to $120. For a necklace, this price can go up to $300 to $500.

Sterling silver is a much cheaper alloy to buy. Compared to $100 of argentium silver, you can buy a sterling silver ring for about $25. This makes sterling silver way cheaper than argentium silver. But all the benefits which argentium silver offers are worth the price.


Sterling silver jewelry can be found in each and every silver jewelry store. It is the most common silver alloy used for jewelry making. This availability factor makes it much easier to buy and have customized designs as well. You can order any jewelry designs you want as per your wish.

As argentium silver is a newer form of silver, it is only available on a handful of online stores. When it comes to offline stores, a few argentium silver specialists like CooksOnGold are dealing with it.

Should You use Argentium Silver?

Argentium silver has a whole list of pros over sterling silver making it the best choice of the two if budget is not a concern. Contrary to sterling silver, it can be worn without any tarnishing or maintenance problems. Apart from this, a more whiter appearance gives it a look more closer to rhodium or white gold.

Yes, it can be more costly than other silver alloys but it is totally worth it. After all, if you compare it’s benefits with other expensive metals like platinum, it is very cheap to be real. So, if you can pay the extra cost for all the benefits argentium silver offers, go for it.


Argentium silver is a great alternative of expensive white metals. Yes, white metals were considered to be expensive but not now with the coming of argentium silver. It offers a long list of benefits which other white metals can’t. It’s important to get a notice of real hallmarks of argentium silver with a flying unicorn symbol. Once you buy it, make sure to take proper care of it and do cleaning stuff periodically.