What Is s925 Sterling Silver – Is s925 Sterling Silver Good

Rolled Gold

What Is S925 Sterling Silver

S925 Sterling silver or simply sterling silver is an alloy of silver commonly known for its use in silver jewelry making. Also known as 925 silver or 925 sterling silver, it is the known for its strength and durability against damages.

s925 sterling silver is made up of 92.5% pure silver and 7.5% copper or nickel which provides necessary strength and scratch resistance nature. In this article we’ll talk about what is s925 sterling silver, how it is made, why it is called 925 silver, is it different from pure silver, does it tarnish and should you use it.

How s925 Sterling Silver is Made

Since sterling silver is an alloy, there is a need of addition of a metal other than silver for it. Commonly used combination is with copper which is more tougher than nickel.

For making sterling silver, the process is really simple. 92.5% of pure silver is taken out and mixed with 7.5% of copper or nickel. Once the melting point of both metals is reached, they fuse with together and form one mixture. Then this mixture is cooled down with the help of water.

What is s925 silver

Once reached at the room temperature, it goes for polishing section where it is smoothen and polished with machines. The result of this all process is a more durable, lustrous and shiny alloy of silver called sterling silver.

Is s925 Sterling Silver Real

Yes, s925 sterling silver is real. It is the other name of 925 sterling silver with no difference in composition. So, whenever someone is talking about s925 sterling silver, they are actually referring to 925 sterling silver.

s925 Sterling Silver vs Fine Silver

S925 Sterling silver and pure silver both are known for the versatility and beauty they provide. But on the other hand, they are distinct in different aspects of the jewelry discussed below.

1. Composition

Pure silver is 99.99% made up of silver where the remaining 0.01% constitutes of impurities. Whereas sterling silver has 92.5% silver and 7.5% of either copper or nickel.

2. Strength and Toughness

Pure silver is a soft and easy to bend metal which can not be used for jewelry making since it cannot hold gemstones. On the other hand s925 silver or should I call it sterling silver, is tough enough to hold stones and resist damages and scratches.

is s925 real silver

3. Cost

Pure silver and sterling silver have slight difference in price. Pure silver is more expensive than sterling one as it has higher percentage of silver. Since copper or nickel are less expensive than silver, sterling silver has slightly less price.

4. Maintenance

Both of these variants of silver demand high level of care. Both can be tarnished and susceptible to turning your fingers green. The main cause behind it is the reaction of silver with skin oils and lotion.

Other Types of Silver

Every silver jewelry owner must know the silver type their jewelry is made of. Other types of silver used in jewelry making are:

1. Nickel Silver

Nickel silver is made up of other cheaper metals like nickel, copper and zinc. There is no silver involved in the composition of nickel silver. It only reflects white light and looks like actual silver. For cheaper costs it is used is making different things like fake ornaments, musical instruments etc.

2. Mexican silver

Mexican silver or also known as 950 silver is another variant of silver composed of 95% silver and 5% nickel. This silver is soft and is often subjected to patina.

3. Argentium Silver

Argentium silver is a tarnishing resisting silver containing 93.5 – 96% silver.

Apart from this, jewelry owner should know how to check your silver jewelry’s genuineness.

is s925 real silver

Is s925 Sterling Silver Good

If you love silver jewelry, then there is nothing better than a sterling silver variant. Yes, there are other variants of silver also present in the market such as fine silver and 950 silver but sterling silver is the one which makes the optimum balance between beauty and strength. Other compositions of silver are either too tough or too malleable for holding gemstones like diamond dust.

One problem which is associated with sterling silver jewelry is the tarnishing effect. It is chemical reaction in which silver reacts with moisture and oxygen in the air to form black compounds. Formation of these compounds give sterling silver a black overall look leading to less shine and duller color. Yes, this can be treated with the help of baking soda just like removing copper tarnishing but its maintenance can be a con for some people.

If you’re one who can take care of jewelry with ease and has no problems with maintenance issue, then sterling silver jewelry is going to be a great choice. Otherwise you will run into tarnishing problems.

Why Should You use Sterling Silver?

Sterling silver is known for its white shiny beauty. Other shiny white metals such as rhodium, rhodium plating, platinum and palladium are either less lustrous or too much expensive.

Apart from this, sterling silver also offers versatility in terms of jewelry designs. Different types of jewelry such as wedding rings, nose rings, anklets and necklaces can be made out of it with ease.

When compared to pure silver, sterling silver is skin friendly and can be worn by people with sensitive skins. Ones who have allergies with pure silver must try sterling silver.

is s925 real silver

If you are one who cares for environment and wants to go for sustainable solutions, silver might be the best choice for you. One it is a metal in its purest form. Secondly silver can be recycled and has ecological vibes.

How to Identify Sterling Silver?

Sterling silver can be identified by a number of methods. For identifying sterling silver, you can use any of the following methods.

1. Looking for Hallmarks

Authentic pieces of sterling silver have their hallmarks engraved. These stamped pieces of jewelry will have “925“, “.925” or “S925” written over them. Another variation which is also used is “Sterling” or “Ster“.

Common places to find these hallmarks are under the ring band, back of a pendant or clasp of a necklace.

2. Magnet Test

Another way to find out original sterling silver is to do a magnet test. All you need for this test is a strong magnet. Take a magnet and put it near to the jewelry you want to check out. If their is minimal of attraction between the magnet and jewelry, it is not sterling silver.

Remember that sterling silver is not magnet responsive.

3. Acid Test

If you’re still unsure about the jewelry you’re testing, silver acid test is a great choice. For this test you will need a silver testing kit containing nitric acid. As nitric acid is a strong acid, you should use all the protective gears included such as goggles, gloves and coat etc.

S925 Sterling Silver

For this test all you have to do is to scratch a small area on the silver item and put a drop of nitric acid on it.

If a milky white colored reaction is observed, then your silver jewelry is made of sterling silver. If green color is appeared, your jewelry is made up of lower purity level of silver.

How to Remove Tarnishing From Sterling Silver

Tarnishing is a chemical process and for removing it you will need some chemicals. There are many chemicals available in the market for this purpose but almost all of the jewelers do not recommend those. It is better to use some mild strength chemicals so it can not damage your sterling silver jewelry.

Baking soda is an excellent choice of chemicals for its affordability and chemical nature. All you have to do is to take a bowl of warm water and dip your tarnished jewelry in it.

On the other hand mix some baking soda in lemon juice to make a thick paste. Now take out the jewelry from water and start applying this paste on it with the help of a tooth brush. You can also rub gently for better results.

After 2 to 3 minutes, you’ll see tarnish is starting to disappear. Once all tarnish is removed, immediately rinse your jewelry and remove all extra water with a soft cloth.

Sterling silver

How to Care for Sterling Silver Jewelry

Sterling silver jewelry has its own pros and cons. Point where it provides more affordable way for owning jewelry, it also has a big problem of tarnishing. Following are the care tips you must follow for s925 sterling silver jewelry.

  • Do regular cleaning of your jewelry.
  • Save your jewelry from water while swimming, washing or bathing.
  • Avoid any chemicals such as skin oils, lotions while wearing jewelry.
  • Regularly visit your jeweler for identifying any damages.
  • Store your sterling silver jewelry in a tight storage box with no air coming.
  • Use anti tarnish bags in jewelry storage box.

Common Questions about s925 Sterling Silver

What does s925 mean on a ring?

925 sterling silver is a common alloy of silver used in silver jewelry making.

What is the difference between s925 and 925 sterling silver?

There is no difference between s925 and 925 sterling silver. Both are same.

Is 925 Silver pure or Not?

925 silver is not pure. It is made of 92.5% silver and 7.5% copper or nickel.

Is 925 Sterling Silver waterproof?

No. You have to save your 925 sterling silver from water or it will get tarnished.

Is sterling silver and 925 the same?

Not necessarily. 925 is one of the type of sterling silver. Other types are 940 sterling silver and 950 sterling silver.


S925 Sterling silver is a great choice in metallic jewelry when it comes to affordability. Common traits of silver jewelry are its white color, shine and cost effectiveness. Another pro is that it can be recycled. Similar to the pros it provides, it also has some cons. Tarnishing is the biggest problem which can effect any silver jewelry. As it is a natural process, you cannot stop it. Rather you can minimize its effect by taking care of your jewelry and it will become like a new one.